Princeton Cemetery, Princeton, Texas

Established in 1895, The Princeton Cemetery is located within the city limits, a few blocks from the center of Princeton. The cemetery is administered and maintained by the Princeton Cemetery Association.


Sunrise to Sunset

Prior Notice:

All funeral companies are required to verify grave location prior to burial. To verify grave location call 972-736-2281 or 214-504-5639. All opening and closing of graves shall be performed by Davis Grave Service, who may be contacted at: 972-567-9664.


Monuments must not exceed the size limits as specified in the By Laws of the Princeton Cemetery Association. Location must be verified prior to setting of monuments. To verify location call 972-736-2281 or 214-504-5639.

Available Grave Sites

Grave sites may be purchased from the Princeton Cemetery Association for $1,200 each. Many attractive locations are available.


From Hwy 380 in Princeton, go north on Yorkshire Dr. approximately one quarter mile from Hwy 380 on the left.


Princeton Cemetery Association is a non-profit organization chartered in 1967. If anyone would like to help in the upkeep and preservation of the cemetery, donations may be sent to P.O. Box 684, Princeton, Texas 75407.